
Solutions By Departments

Increase efficiency, reduce operating costs, improve supply chain management and optimize cash flow with our department-specific solutions. No two departments are the same. Why settle for a generic solution when you can have a solution tailored to meet the needs of your department.


change HR

Our solution has been specifically designed to manage, computerize and automate the HR department's processes. Zortal helps with workforce management, payroll, and talent management functionalities, helping companies optimize how they manage every stage of the employee lifecycle.


operation Operations

An operations-specific solution for the operations department of a company is vital. A properly-implemented solution like ours can consolidate operations processes into a single dashboard for easier management.

operation Sales

A sales-specific solution for the sales department of a company is vital, a comprehensive solution like ours will enhance sales management, help streamline ordering processes as well as track your customer's behavior helping you provide a better service to your customers.


change Finance

Our solution has been specifically designed to plan, budget, predict, and report accurately on your organization's financial results. Zortal also enables you to clearly communicate financial information to external parties, including vendors and customers.